Pride Movie Night

Pride Movie Night

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Presented by Auckland Council's Proud Centres

Free entry

Where & When

Wed 09 Feb, 5:30PM, Central City Library

Full Schedule
  • Film/Exhibition


  • Show Type

    Auckland Council's Proud Centres

  • Accessibility

    Wheelchair access

  • Ticket Info

    Free event, advance booking required

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Presented by Auckland Council's Proud Centres

Free entry

Where & When

Wed 09 Feb, 5:30PM, Central City Library

Full Schedule

Come along to the Central City Library to watch a fun, silly gay movie!

Relax on a beanbag or on the tiered seating, in our Event Space on the ground floor. We'll provide snacks and non-alcoholic drinks for you too.

Note: this movie is rated PG-13, so children younger than 13 are advised not to attend this event. Please wear a mask and bring your vaccine pass. If we're still in Red, we'll only allow 15 attendees at a time to be in the event area.


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  • Red

    Masks, vaccine passes, and 1m distancing will be mandatory. The Central City Library has a QR code, so signing in will also be mandatory. Our aim will also be to allow only 15 people in the event space at a time. 

    Lockdown: If a lockdown occurs, we are unsure as yet whether or not this event can happen online. Our plan is to get in touch with the film’s director and ask them if we would be able to stream it online.

  • Orange

    Everything will be the same, except there will not be a limit on the number of attendees allowed inside the event room at one time. 

  • Green

    Masks will be encouraged, and signing in via QR code will be either encouraged or mandatory (depending on the government and Council requirements).


  1. Central City Library

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